Is Substack the Anti Instagram for fashion readers?
My two cents, some thoughts and reflections.
I’ve seen the comments on Notes.
I’ve read how fashion girlies talk about Instagram and Substack.
In May, Elodie Suffice from Everyday is a Kyft (whose profile I unfortunately cannot find anymore) noted: "Probably why Substack feels like a breath of fresh air in the 'social media' world," referencing Laurent François's article about social networks.
from the The Dandelion Tiger, for example, shared in her Notes a few weeks back about her social media detox: "23 July - I had to delete TikTok and Insta because I had spent two depression-riddled days scrolling to death [...] Today I am replacing that with Substack Notes and Reddit scrolling."
Also in July, Angel from Suns of Being shared: "After spending too much time looking at micro-trend-driven content on IG, Substack is where my interest in fashion is being resurrected because people who know fashion are talking about history, construction, material, and style. That's what makes clothes interesting."
There’s one thing that seems clear t…